
Job Interviews--B

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求職面試 之二

A : Do you have any question? B : Yes. Will I have to work overtime? A : Sometimes. B : How about holidays? A : After a year, you’ll get an annual leave of seven days. B : And is there a year-end bonus? A : That depends. If you work hard and the company makes money, you’ll get one. B : That sounds fair. 甲:你有任何問題嗎﹖ 乙:是的。我必須要加班嗎﹖ 甲:有時候要。 乙:那麼放假呢﹖ 甲:滿一年後,你每年就會有七天的假期。 乙:是否有年終獎金呢﹖ 甲:那要視情況而定。如果你工作努力而且公司賺錢的話就會有。 乙:聽起來很合理。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:1126)